

You make me happy, whether you know it or not

I'm not quite sure how it happened, but it did and I couldn't be happier. He finally came out and asked, after I informed him that I wanted to. It's not a long story, I just don't feeling like going into detail. I guess I do have something to thank Anna for, but not at all what I thought I would. She scared me. I guess I should go ahead and share since I am not a fan of short blog posts and this is all I have to say anyway. Anna was at the party and she watched rather excitedly from the sidelines. Afterwards asking if he'd asked me out. She herself was rather bummed that he didn't. Rhett and I continued to text and still no question. I asked Anna to look into it (aka ask why he hadn't.) She is like that anyway, so in no way would it look suspicious. She told me he had replied with 'it was none of her business' and I had to smile.
The same day, being today, July Fourth, he asks:

Rhett:  Where you at Annas last night
April:  no. i was a home last night 
Rhett:  Ok

I became curious

April:  why?
Rhett:  She kept calling me
April:  hahahaha no i wasn't there
Rhett:  ok she ask me out

I was rather surprised by this finding, but I kept my cool.

April:  really xD what'd you say?
Rhett:  No
April:  i bet she feels sad now
Rhett:  Yeah
April:  im sure she'll live though
Rhett:  Yeah
April:  what would you say if i were to ask you out?
Rhett:  Yes
April:  (:
Rhett:  :) you wanna go out
April:  I'd love to(:

And that's how it happened. That's what completed my Fourth of July before I sat on the deck to watch stranger's fireworks.


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Battle Butterfly
The writer